Corry Kouwenberg, Solutions Focused Learning

Corry Kouwenberg has spoken to many diverse groups on a myriad of subjects including Alternative Healing Modalities, Personal Development, Male-Female Dynamics and Metaphysical Spirituality. He has been involved in the spiritual and personal growth genres for over 20 years and has been mentored by some of the leaders of our day. Corry has discovered what it takes to keep an audience interested and awake while bringing a wonderful selection of offered learnings to the participants. He uses techniques he acquired during his tenure with one of the world’s largest Personal Development companies as well as his PhD studies in Neuro-Psychology and Integrative Healing and Medicine. Currently a couple of his favorite topics are Alternate Healing Modalities and Manifesting Personal Desires. So if you are looking for personal growth, information or just entertainment you will definitely enjoy Corry’s events.